
ShipWorks 3d Printable Ship Terrain

Created by Chris Hunt

ShipWorks is a 3D printable OpenLOCK and Dragonbite compatible Ship building system for RPGs and wargames. Create the Ships you've always wanted! We're completely modular, with tons of variations- allowing you to design untold numbers of ships. We also are partnered with Fantasy writer and Author Larry "The Gryphon King" Dixon for some of our art; as well as Brightshield games to provide backers with rulesets and further airship designs for using ShipWorks designs in your games! Digital files sold on by Dragon-Workshop through any digital file store have a strict non-commercial, personal use only license. You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration. For Commercial Licensing opportunities, please contact us at: [email protected] File access is given within a few hours of purchase to all applicable released items.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Sterncastle preview
almost 7 years ago – Wed, Mar 07, 2018 at 07:06:17 PM

The final major basic component set to be converted for ShipWorks is complete- now on to variants, accessories and stretch goals :-)

It should give you some ideas on parts that may vary, allowing for different looks. 

Exploded view of stern castle components - 1
Exploded view of stern castle components - 1


Exploded view of stern castle components - 2
Exploded view of stern castle components - 2


Stern castle unique pieces mock assembly preview 1
Stern castle unique pieces mock assembly preview 1


Stern castle unique pieces mock assembly preview 2
Stern castle unique pieces mock assembly preview 2


17k - Of Sea stacks, Dragonbite and other news-
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Mar 06, 2018 at 10:44:40 PM

 Ahoy crew!

We're into the $17k boundary now! We also received our license for Dragonbite, per popular request. After initial kickstarter models are done, we'll convert them for Dragonbite for all of the Dragon lock fans out there.This will be available for our backers as part of their pledge. 

$17k: Island Adventure add-on unlock: Sea Stacks models (2 variants)

Sea Stack 1- and yes, the hole in the middle will fit a miniature.
Sea Stack 1- and yes, the hole in the middle will fit a miniature.

$17k: Island Adventure add-on unlock: Gibbet (Draft shown)

Capable of holding a miniature.
Capable of holding a miniature.

$17k: Core ship unlock: Sea Serpent Figurehead (art pending)

We're still waiting to hear from Larry Dixon on further concept art for further fleshing out the Red Gryphon ship designs. 

On Test Printing OpenLOCK conversion progress:

Bowsprit clipped in nicely as did the forecastle. Print testing getting closer to fully converted :-)



Dixon art & figurehead print test-
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Mar 05, 2018 at 09:37:02 AM

I received updated concept art from Larry Dixon late Friday night, and knew I had to knock the prow/figurehead piece out. I still will likely make some adjustments to the 'wings' - pulling the upper flaring piece further back and up. 

For a first print test though? Quite happy.


Printed at:



Brown Esun PLA

and given a quick black wash.





Print testing update
almost 7 years ago – Sat, Mar 03, 2018 at 12:51:55 AM

 The basic Lower hull has been successfully print tested. There are a few spots that I'll be touching up on the textures, but progress is going well. 

Printed at .2mm, 20% infill,  in brown esun pla. Then given a black wash to bring out the wood grain. 









15k - Something wicked this way comes-
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Mar 02, 2018 at 02:04:54 PM

“Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.” ― H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu

Lads and lasses- we encountered the demon spawned ship - an eldritch horror, to be sure. The cannon fire smelt of death and brimstone- the carved (I gibber in fear be it not so) forecastle and sterncastle- and even rails- bespoke a manner of ship that was but a twisted mockery of our own. A demons face made the full of the stern of the ship- fiery eyes where windows on my own dear ship lay, a rudder like a twisting tentacle jutting from it's octopus like graven face. 

The forecastle too was transformed, arcane circles of beaten iron on either side, that demons face upon it. The ribs of the ship at times looked like more dread faces- at others they were undulating and carved with twisting runes that hurt to look upon.

The rails ran like a skeletal, ridged spine down the ship, and demonic idols sat atop every port hole or window on her side. Lord help us- we fled after the third volley seemed to do little to wound the terrible visage. We go North and East, to seek help from where we spotted the Gryphon King heading out of the last port.

Rough concept art for the C'Thulu Core ship conversion
Rough concept art for the C'Thulu Core ship conversion

 *Please note- I am a much better 3d artist then traditional 2d artist. I hope this still gives a moderate idea of the direction I'm going with the C'Thulu core ship Conversion.

$15k - Eldritch Terror add-on kit unlocked. This will be a $15 add-on pack; it will be included in all pledge levels with "All Add-Ons!".

$15k - Core Ship Unlock: Secondary below-decks level conversion pieces for making *really* big ships.

$15k: Core Ship Unlock: Solid ships rails with triangular cutouts 

Also - a preview of the airship's blimp attachment. It will connect via a modified mast, or a 'ether engine and it's accompanying tube'.